Welcome to the Columbus Amateur Radio Club (W4CVY). We are located in Columbus, Georgia. We hope you find these pages interesting and informative, whether you are currently a licensed ham or are considering testing for your license.
On these pages you’ll note information on our club and its activities in particular and ham radio in general. Hams are always ready to share their experiences with others and members of CARC are no different. If you are looking for information about amateur radio and you don’t find it on these pages, please don’t hesitate to ask us about it!
We hope to see you at one of our monthly CARC meetings (usually 2nd Thursday of the month, generally at the main public library on Macon Road) or at one of our many activities.
We definitely want to hear you on the air!

Questions? info@w4cvy.org
Facebook: Facebook.com/W4CVY
Twitter: Twitter.com/W4CVY
P. O. Box 6336
Columbus, GA 31917-6336